This was a bloody bad week..... lemme try to recall all the sway things that happened to me RIGHT after my wonderful birthday celebrations. In case you are wondering, I'm on MC, nursing a sore throat. No more shouting at the kids for me today *sob sob*
MONDAYIt was the kids' CA2 English paper. And it was a bad case of "the emperor not kan cheong but the enunch kan cheong". Damn those kids, so nonchalent about their exams. I thought they should be kan cheong spiders by now after being in the system for the past 1 1/2 years. You know, streaming, PSLE and the works. These Primary Twos. tsk tsk. I had to walk around the class and check each individual's paper to make sure they did not leave any questions or worse, any pages blank. And by Golly! There were 5 (all boys) who left either questions undone or A WHOLE FREAKING PAGE blank. *deep sign* Somemore can cheekily smile at me when I showed them their blooper.
Of course after collecting the paper I proceeded to the next natural step - marking. Only one word sums it up.
ARGH.I concluded (after talking with Jia) that the kids, being Singaporean, cannot learn through games, songs, poems and groupwork. They need drilling with a Black and Decker powerdrill for grammar and vocabulary. Let's not go on to discuss their writing.... here are some excerpts from my kids' writing. Argh.
"We bought every thing and brought the bus home."
"I like to eat vegetables and fish and meat and eggs and vegetables and tofu and eggs" (mark of a desporado's attempt to chalk up the required number of words)
"My hole body was all wet"
"She had not seen her son fall as she was buying fish but when she had seen him fall she did not buy the fish and she went to help him up and wipe his face and..(this is the best part...) SAYANG him."
"One day" (yah ... that was it)
"Tommy fell down and lived happily ever after."
Argh. But most of them could write quite coherently. I'm quite glad to say that my class did reasonably well for the paper. They could do better though. Well there's always next term!
TUESDAYGot notification from various HODs and LHs that my September holidays will be spent on courses and activities. $&^*#@
WEDNESDAYContact time.
Got notified that there will be a Meet the Parents session next friday. And guess what? We have to stay from 7pm-10pm on that day to meet the parents. No that's not the worst part. We afternoon teachers do not get to eat dinner because we end school at 1845 and the thing starts at 1900. Joking told the HOD that we would need to have medics on stand-by for any afternoon teachers dying of gastric or hunger. A hungry teacher is an angry teacher.
THURSDAYMum and Dad decided to abandon me and go to KL YET again. *sob sob* So i had to "eat myself" for dinner. What an avalanche of bad luck i kennaed at J8.
First I was disturbed while having my dinner at Secret Recipe. Just because I'm eating alone in a restuarant doesn't make me weird you SOB in a blue shirt plus ugly white tie.
Next trooped off to Watsons to get pads. The cashier scanned my pack pf pads and voila! the bloody machine decided to hang. I had to hang around there for like 15 mintues before I could make my payment. Stupid Watsons staff actually opened another counter for those waiting behind me but insisted that I waited at the original counter to make my payment. WTF.
I threw the pad back at them and stormed off to Guardian at the basement. Took the same thing and voila! The store decided to have a mini blackout. WTF. I just need to buy a pack of pads. Why make my life so difficult for me? I'm just a girl looking for a pad to collect my blood. ARGH! Should gone to trusty old NTUC to get my pads.
FRIDAYSore throat. Fever. 'nuff said.