Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Part 1
Teacher M: So which class do you want to go to since you do not like my class?

Pupil ponders to the detriment of Teacher M's high blood pressure condition.

Teacher M: Quick! You want to go to a guy teacher or a female teacher's class?

Pupil: Female. I want 2C's teacher. Tall tall short hair one. *cue cheeky smile*

Me: You stay away from me.

Part 2
Teacher X: Why did you hit him?

Boy A: He make me.

Teacher X: I didn't know he was your father.

Boy A looks puzzled and did not catch the 'ball'.

Teacher X: ok ok how did he make you?

Boy A: He go and step on me accidentally.

Teacher X: *groans*

Part 3
830pm at HDB carpark somewhere in S'goon. I've just finished walking to the supermarket to get bread and milk.

Man A: Oei how to stuff it in?

Man B: Just shove it it lah. Harder lah.

Man A: Cannot lah. It's too big. Too little space lah. Na bei!

Man B: Okie okie... ... Just pull the seat up and shove it in lah.

2 dimwits trying to hide a laptop under the seat w/o prospective theives discovering the find. Make so much noise


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