Sunday, September 25, 2005

Lazy Sunday..watching clouds go by.

Woke up at 7.30am today. Wondering what to do.

Went back to sleep but was unsuccessful. Went for a run outside my house but ended up walking instead.... too bloody hot.

Came back and bathed. Had a ham sandwich and coffee. Read the papers. Lucky for the US, the hurricane wasn't as bad as the previous one. Weird gathering of all the Tan Tock Seng's descendents. Ben and Jerry's at United Square. Lucky Jie. :) I didn't know about the term 'tai ke' til today. All that reading about Jay Chou make me wanna go KTV. Erm Joe... your Jay CD is still with me.

Finished up my Potter book. Felt like crying. Can't wait for the next one. How can he die????!!! Hated all that romancing stuff. Ekks.

Went to do some work for school, marking papers and making worksheets, doing lesson plans. Thinking of where to get my Children's day presents. Any ideas anyone? A bit fed up with my kids's composition writing. Itching to go gym. Waiting for Jie's sms reply.

Feel like roaming town. But cannot. Wardrobe's bursting at its seams. Incidentally so are my clothes. Boo Hoo. :( I'm stuck at 60 kg forever (or at least for the next few years. Shall flip over if I gain weight. Stop munching you bad mouth! *pun intended*)

Steamboat dinner at Steven's place tonight. Shall burn a few calories entertaining his niece.

Tml's monday. Yet another week.

Can't wait to terrorise my kids. Muahahahahha

I love SUNDAYS. It's the nicest day of the week.

Suddenly I miss being a child again.


Blogger Corrine said...

yeah ma,

I already had my first Ben & Jerry's cone at United Square on fri. Yummy!!! am sooo gg to grow fat! Gym after thurs!! we must do a routine agn.

Hugs kisses and loads of love

10:04 PM  

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