Thursday, July 14, 2005

Wah piang

NKF really had in in for them liao. Kenna left right centre by the public, media and some government officials. SM Goh's wife left NKF as its patron liao. I wonder why things got to this stage. Never I repeat never offend SPH. Unless you have a death/bankruptcy wish.

Some of my friends got their banks to stop their monthly contributions to NKF.

Teacher A: Wah lau I donate $10 each month! Might as well give it to my son. Bloody hell. Gold taps somemore. Allergic to stainless steel ah?

Me: Yah I stopped my contributions long ago. Contributing to community chest instead.

Teacher B: Hahaha only peanuts lah your $120 per year!

But peanuts or not is relative to each person's affordability. Anyway I guess Mediacorp might finally just axe the NKF shows that occurs every few months.


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