Tuesday, November 22, 2005


It's like winter! For like an eternity of hot sticky mosquito infested weather, Singapore's temperature finally dipped below that blasted 30 degree mark! Hip Hip Hooray for monsoon season! It's like everyone suddenly do all the things that they rarely do and it rains so wonderfully. Opps, sorry for those who need to organise outdoor parties and cafes with alfresco dining (which is simply dumb in Singapore. A perfect example of a loss of practicality for the sake of fashion and doggedness in pursuing a so-called life style. Opps! Forgot about those blasted smokers. Well there's always the void decks under your flats. Humph!)

Anyway, I realised some things about cold weather... ...
  1. It's bloody hell great to sleep in. I bet most of you were heavy-lidded as you stared away from your computer and to the soft drizzling rain outside. No wonder bears and etc hibernate during winter. (What other animal hibernates? Snakes?) It's so undenyingly ... (can't find the word for it so I shall repeat) comfy to sleep in. Whenever, where-ever.
  2. Idler can suddenly cheong 10km on the threadmill instead of the usual measly 3! I thrive in cold weather! Place me in any wintry, frosty country and I can run like there's no tomolo.
  3. Running outside suddenly seems like THE perfect idea. It's just that you are avoiding puddles of murky muddy water instead of carpets of snow or ice.
  4. This cold weather is every Singaporean woman's dream. They can now combine practicality and fashion and adorn themselves with the latest winter and autunm fashion instead of looking stupid wearing a woollen cardi, scarf or boots in the blasted Singapore tropical weather. Pile it up girls (erm not the fats ah....)
  5. With the above thought in mind, I think people tend to eat more in cold weather. So watch it. *Idler guzzling her 5th cup of hot steaming milo with aplomb*

There you have it. I wish that this weather will keep up for at least til Friday. :) For now, I'll just hide under my quilt and snooze... Nights.


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