Friday, April 15, 2005


It's astonishing how evil kids can be. You will never imagine the amount of taunting and bullying that takes place everyday in schools all over Singapore. Imagine going to school every morning with dread and fear. You can never imagine enough.

For starters, let me relate a lighthearted moment. You know the national day song, "One people, One Nation"? The P5 boys decided to give it a twist in accordance to the current casino debate. Here are the lyrics....

One table, 4 people, let's play mahjong
That's the way that we will be forever more
Every pong and every hu
Gives us money
Gives us face
One table, 4 people, let's play mahjong!

Under normal circumstances, I would have laughed out loud. But being the professional educator, I stopped this act of 'idiotiness'. Come to think of it, they were quite creative. Cute and creative but idiotic.

Some of you must be wondering WTF is BBM. Well... there's this girl...who is in the advanced stage of her puberty. So the boys found her disgusting and starting calling her BBM - Big Breasted Monster. How ironic. Couple of years down the road they will be lusting over her man. So the ringleader started this BBM shit and soon it spread like wild fire. The whole P5 class started to call her BBM.

As expected the girl was so traumatised that she cried and dared not come to school. Their teachers were working hard to curb this nonsense but to no avail. UNTIL *cue Jaws theme song* the Principal stepped in. Hopefully it stops soon. Feel like giving a slap, kick, jab and an elbow to the boys when I see them. But I controlled myself and decided to bestow upon them the curse of being scorned and ditched by every girl they like in future.

Next story... ...

There's this puny little thing in my class. Kind of cute but he gets on your nerves quite easily. However that's besides the point. The boys started this trend of naming him "ai dong gua" and they just kept repeating it like a flight of self-contented parrots. I mustered up all my power and unleashed the fury upon them.

All 5 of them cried. And that's not the end. All 5 of them went to that little thing, apologised and shook his hand! So cute! I love the P3s.

So there all in a day's work. Til next time... ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erm.. can I meet the BBM.. since the rest dun like her?

9:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will lose your temper one meh? I thought you love kids so much that you don't. Hehehe.... Be a good teacher hor.

12:20 AM  

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